Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Glitter floating through the sky
I almost can't believe my eyes
It lands on doors, and trees and dirt
I catch it on my face, my shirt
Like tiny kisses upon my skin.
A wholesome time that I am in.

Oh to be a flake of snow
Never knowing where I'll go
To flit and float through chilly skies
No thoughts of people, scared of lies
To be a fully simple thing
To see the happiness I bring.

It's scorned and hated half the time
It doesn't fit into our lives
We blame it for our frosted cheeks
We pray that it will leave for weeks
But when the clouds melt from the scene
We realize what the snowfall means.

Oh to see a flake of snow!
She gets it now! She wants to know!
When are they coming back to play?
I'll wait a week, no! Just a day!
The streets are slick, the ground is hard
Oh snow! Come back! You've gone too far!

The windows melt wet pools of ice
You hear the bird, you see the mice
The temperature makes a raise
The weather begs you for its praise
At last! the snow falls once again
To bring the happiness of men.

Oh I love the sight of snow
At first it's high, and then it's low.
Large fluffy flakes clump up and melt
Reminding me of things I've felt
You have to leave, I understand
But don't forget our snowy land!

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