It’s not always easy
But I’m trying
Trying to look beyond myself
Beyond my eyes
Beyond my hurt
And when I do
I see you standing
No, sitting
Calm, patient, and sure
Sure that it will all work out
I know. I know it will
Will we work out?
Silly question
No answer
The right question isn’t will
Or even when
But how.
How will it work out?
I don’t know
But I believe
I have faith
Heaps of faith
Leaps of faith
Leaps of love
And hope.
Yes, love
My love for Him is greater
Than my love for him.
My trust in Him
Is deeper than my trust
In him.
My faith in Him
His plans, His ways,
His love for me
Is truer than my faith
In him.
Does that diminish him?
No. Not in the least.
It gives him,
And hope.
See, the real question
Is not will it work out…
But will I recognize it
When it does?
I like it!